Right Sector`s chaplain, father Petro Burak: "Political Correctness - it's not for me"

Right Sector`s chaplain, father Petro Burak: "Political Correctness - it's not for me"

The main Chaplain of the organization "Tryzub of Stepan Bandera" priest Petro Burak prays in the Volunteer Corps Ukrainian "Right Sector".

When he came home he shared his pastoral experience at the front and told reporters in Ternopil his own vision of the current war.

"The essence of Chaplain are prayers and to allow soldiers to gain access to the holy things - said the main motive of his stay at the front priest Petro - an opportunity every day to be at the Divine Liturgy, take Holy Communion, blessing, consecration to make useful things, including weapons and ammunition, to the blessing before go to the front, in the maelstrom of war".

Petro confessed that in addition to pure performance of priestly duties chaplain should be a good psychologist: "What is most important in the work of chaplains - is to be among men and live with them, not only to provide assistance to a Christian pastor, but to be a psychologist to give them to talk".

Father Peter is not bypassed the lack of political will to end this war, knocking out the enemy from Ukrainian territory. "In the middle of summer there was hope that this war will end before winter.- He said. - Apparently, it's a long time. But because soldiers are not ready to win Ukrainian territory. And because there is no political will of the state leadership. After any war, and this is no exception, it is beneficial to many people. They have benefited from this".

Father Petro don't plan to stay in Ternopil for a long time because the war continues now, it is much more comfortable at the front. "It's hard, but I concluded that at the frontline I feel myself better than here, sitting at TV or computer. - Says Father Petro - It is better to be at the front line, where you see everything by own eyes, where no one is able to deceive you. Actually I dont use term "ATO", I call it "the War". We need to start call things by true names, political correctness - it's not for me".

Not without banal questions from journalists about whether the war is not contrary to the norms of the Christian faith. Father Petro denied stupid fabrications and journalists explained the principles of the Christian doctrine of the use of commandment " Thou shalt not kill "in the Bible is mentioned about 5 times, and instructions on how and under what conditions need to kill, well, probably in more than 10 times. Obviously the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" indicates that no excuse murder innocent. In this case we are dealing with aggression. And if you do not resist evil, death will be much more. Where did you see that rabid dogs be treated. To kill them is not a sin, but a feat".
