Ideology, Hierarchy, Honor!

Authoritarianism is one of the basic principles of the Ukrainian nationalist movement, one of the pillars of nationalist organisation of the Order type.

2+2=4 this is not the result of a democratic vote, this is an axiom! 2x2 will be 4 even if 99% of the world population would vote that 2+2=5 it still be 4! Same thing with the nationalism. Nationalist ideology stems from a number of certain axioms, principles, ideology. The members of any nationalist movement are subordinated to this ideology. This is the concept of nationalist authoritarianism.

The Ukrainian nationalist movement is clearly hierarchical: Ideology - Leaders - Members. the each person position in this hierarchy depend on its natural skills, achievements and merit but first of all - from its loyalty to the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism. The ideology it`s not something to be chosen by voting, it`s not a useful tool for election campaigning. Ideology it's something, that leading the nation, it`s something we should be loyal and subordinate, finding our places in the hierarchy.

Another reason of the authoritarian concept of Ukrainian nationalist movement is purely pragmatic. The nationalist movement of Ukraine is a revolutionary force. It is an army in the national-liberation war. We should remind the fact that discipline is extremely important on the battlefield.

Modern society has a quite distorted view of the world. The concepts of Duty and Loyalty were something crucially important for our forefathers; a concept of hierarchy was also a something taken for granted. An exaggerated ego becomes a a characteristic feature of modern society. And, of course, some forces have a considerable benefit from this. Someone tries to deny the ancient laws of nature and show us an inverted world where the source of truth is the choice of majority, but this choice is quite controllable from outside.

Of course modern Ukrainian society is not so perfect too, and some of the Right Sector newcomers were brought up by in terms of modern "traditions", so one of the most tasks of the "Right Sector" leadership is not just to attract these young people to national-liberation struggle, but to explain them an ideological aspect of these struggle. The one, who truly wish the freedom for Ukraine will be able to step over its own ego and start to learn. The one, who puts his own interests above the national should leave the "Right Sector" and all other nationalist movements of Ukraine. The "Right Sector" is not a liberal-oligarchical political party but the nationalist force and we cannot offer a place in government of financial benefits for our members, but we offer you to gain a honour in the fight for your nation and the sacred Fatherland!

by the Andriy Tarasenko`s materials
