Worth note, that the recent terrible terrorist attack in France occurred in a quite symbolic date - the Bastille Day. A day, that is considered a symbol of the French Revolution (however, in the long term this cosmopolitan event is more defining for Africans, than for the French people).

Undoubtedly, all we mourn the victims of terrorist attacks. Unfortunately these people have become pawns in the game of anti-national cosmopolitan elites, just as the French people of XVIII century, who had the misfortune to be contemporaries of a leftist revolution.

We have to understand, that the terrorist attack is a clear product of the system, which has been established there since the beginning of 1789.

The French revolution proclaimed the concept of a nation as a set of individuals, who have the same passports. As the result, on its anniversary a Tunisian origin owner of a French passport decided to start a bloody massacre the ethnic French.

The French revolution proclaimed the universal equality and eliminated the natural aristocracy - a French national elite. Exactly in the revolution's anniversary the French people were witnessed helplessness of the republican government; one again they felt a critical lack of knights-defenders of a nation on that day.

The French revolution has eliminated all the natural associations inside the French nation in all its levels, from a craft shop to a patriarchal family. Exactly in the revolution's anniversary organized armed citizens could fight the murderer. However, there is out of question of organized citizens where the concepts of a national community or a traditional family are refused.

The French revolution has eliminated the authority of Christian religion and tradition. And in the revolution's anniversary the fanatics of alien religion arranged a slaughter for the French people in their own land. All that because a jihad warrior could be overcomed by a crusader, a knight, not by an unspiritual materialist.

The French revolution proclaimed the universal equality. Exactly in the revolution's anniversary another savage gave a bloody lesson to Europe. And the conclusion from this lesson is that utopian equality will inevitably lead to the triumph of a degenerative over a noble, a savage over a civilized...

By Eduard Yurchenko
