Tomorrow, on September 25 the second annual conference entitled the "Dialogue of Nations," which will bring together separatists from all over the world.

The declared mission of this conference is to "unite representatives of parties and movements who advocate for self-determination and independence of their regions and oppose the ideology of world domination and economic exploitation."

The NGO "Russian anti-globalist movement" has received the presidential grant of 3.5 million rubles to hold the conference. It is expected that the forum will be attended by separatists from Catalonia, Northern Ireland, Western Sahara, Scotland and other countries.

The hypocrisy of such kind of conferences is in the fact that the Russian Federation is a state formation which can be called a leader by the cases of violation the right of nations to self-determination. Moreover, the Kremlin's policy of violation the rights of nations isn't limited with the RF state borders, but extends to neighboring countries and even entire regions of the world. In addition, the Moscow's "Russian World" policy is nothing else, than an aggressive globalism in its clear form; Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the post Soviet are have been feeling themselves its destructive influence at cultural, informational, military and economic areas for for more then two decades.

The main goal the Kremlin try to achieve by means of conduction such international "conferences" and "forums" is to extend their influence to the largest possible number of states not only through its own shiftless geopolitical projects and military interventions, but trying to rally around itself some organized movements of various directions. And the level of each one's loyalty to the Kremlin will determine whether it receive some preferences from Moscow in future.

By spreading fairy tales of "struggle for multipolar world" through its media space Moscow to form its own globalist project of the "Russian World" literally from the air.

Anyway, the Kremlin recognizes and supports "self-determination" only if it has a pro-Russian orientation, so there can be no question of real support and care of the interests of the residents of disputed territories as well as of providing adequate and disinterested assistence to solution territorial and ethnic conflicts by Moscow. So be vigilant!
